Hi! Welcome to the page about Solari! A small game about an odd creature's journey after being lured into a strange world by a mysterious broadcast that he picked up.

This game was developed using GDevelop! The controls are:

Left and right arrow keys for movement

Spacebar for jump

F for dash

V for attack

E to interact with newspaper stands and checkpoints

Z to interact with dialogue and beginning and end scenes

This game was made for the Spacespy game jam.


Music, sprites, art and programming by: Godbirb (That's me :D)

Sound effects sourced from: Gdevelop (CC0 license)

Turrets and ladders:  Gdevelop (CC0 license)

Bench: https://pixabay.com/illustrations/bench-seat-park-pixel-pixel-art-7869706/


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How do you progress past 'you come from a lonely place', tried on different devices but can't figure it out 

You progress by pressing Z. Sorry that I didn't make it clear.

That isn't working for me :(, I'm literally mashing Z

Have you tried different browsers? Sometimes switching or updating browsers could help. 

ori material in 1 minute and 8 seconds WHEEZE

(1 edit)